Friday, May 29, 2009

Alright so we have been busy with Baseball. It has been a little hectic. Danielle and Riley are both playing but not on the same team and of course not at the same place. Riley would have baseball in one city and Danielle in another. Brian and I are trying desperately to keep track who goes where and who is taking them. I have not gotten a really good picture of Danielle. I need a good camera. The one Brian gave me for Christmas sucks! a parent took this picture of Riley and it is really good because it depicts Riley to a T. Danielle cracks me up when she goes up to bat. She will stand there without moving her bat to wait for the perfect pitch. Since the kids are pitching there never is a perfect pitch so she ends up walking the bases. too funny! riley on the other hand got hit really hard one time so now he is scared to go up to bat and just wants to hit the ball. He still ends up walking the bases because the pitcher can't pitch the ball.

o bat


Tamaratravel said...

that's awesome that they are involved in's also funny how they react to the is crazy at your house..

Kristin L. said...

I remember Kevin & I hoping the team would lose and we could go home already...those games are so long! We went an entire season before we figured out that Ian was a left handed batter - even though he's right handed - no wonder he couldn't hit the ball.