Friday, June 27, 2008

I caught a fish this big..........

Brian took permissive leave thsi week to be with Riley at his boy scout camp. While all of the rest of the kids were fishing in a dead spot Brian took riley where he thought the fish would be hiding . Riley had a blst at this camp. He learned to use a BB gun and archery. Actually Riley is very good with Archery. He almost hit the bull-eye at the farthest target.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Catching up

Alright so it has been a long time since we posted something new! We really have been busy. We have had a very long winter. Now we are having a terrible spring with floods and tornados. So far we are getting to know our wine cellar very well and will have to furnish it with kid friendly drinks as well if we spend anymore time there. This year we had to sand and re stain our deck but ran into problems with the rain. We have to let the wood dry for three days before we can paint so every time I had a nice sunny day I was out there staining. I t is now finally done except the railings need to be put back on. Brian was excited to get a new tool to do that. Just an excuse I say, he has been eying a framing gun for a while. Real estate has not been very profitable for me so I have been doing side jobs that are getting me a lot of business. I have been doing cookie bouquets and custom cakes.Something I actually enjoy doing. The kids have been great. They are loving summer because they can sleep in and go swimming in our community pool every day. The kids are counting down till their birthday. they keep asking me if it is coming soon. "Too soon" says mommy. I keep teasing them and tell them since they look too small to be second graders they are going to repeat first grade. they give me that look " You are kidding, right?"